Thank you for your interest in exploring “Adventures of Pilot the Penguin.” Our mission at Bierman Autism Centers is to create progress and possibilities®, together by empowering children with autism through innovative, compassionate care. Join us as we embrace every child’s unique journey toward growth and discovery.
1. Fill out the form below.
2. You’ll receive an email with a link to download your coloring book! (should arrive within a few minutes!)
Prefer a free hard copy of the coloring book instead? Visit us at an upcoming event.
Welcome to the world of Pilot the Penguin, our steadfast companion who embarks on every adventure with their trusty plane—a symbol of resilience and endless possibilities. While Pilot can’t fly alone, they always bring a warm smile and an encouraging spirit, making learning fun and exciting for children. Pilot shares joy, celebrates small victories, and shows that together, anything is achievable.
Why a penguin? With its unique blend of charm and determination, the penguin symbolizes our commitment to engaging children at their level. Penguins represent journeys, resilience, individuality, and progress—all qualities we cherish at Bierman Autism Centers. Adorned in fun and friendly colors, Pilot stands tall and proud, reflecting the transformative power of play. Our contemporary penguin design mirrors the innovative methods that define our brand, embodying the spirit of creating progress and possibilities®, together.
With Pilot as your guide, you can be assured that with love, support, and a touch of creativity, we transform dreams into vibrant realities, one moment at a time. Just like Pilot, our aspirations soar without boundaries—the sky’s the limit!
We can’t wait to see the creativity your family brings to Pilot’s adventures! After coloring, share your artwork on social media using #ColorWithPilot and join our community in spreading joy, awareness, and acceptance.
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