Bierman Autism Centers

5 Things About Autism

We’re sharing our top 5 things about autism.

1. Autism is common.

In 2021, the CDC reported that about 1 in 44 children in the U.S. had been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In 2022, the WHO estimated that worldwide, approximately one in 100 children has autism. ASD is a common diagnosis, and the number of children diagnosed with ASD has been increasing rapidly in the past few decades.


When your child receives an autism diagnosis, know that you and your family are not alone and various resources are available. There is a giant network of people with similar experiences who will be your biggest supporters. You can find strength in places you didn’t know existed and see the beauty in unexpected moments.

2. Early detection is key.

Okay, let’s start with the science talk first. Study after study, the conclusions all lead to the same answer: the earlier intervention begins for children diagnosed with autism, the higher the potential to significantly help improve the child’s later development. This makes it vitally important to diagnose autism at the earliest possible age.


Have you ever tried to learn a second language as an adult? It’s not easy.
Have you watched a child learn a second language? They pick it up 100 times faster (it’s not fair, really).


That’s why early detection and intervention are key for children diagnosed with autism. Children’s brains are rapidly growing, and they have a better ability to learn new skills that will allow them to be more independent throughout their lives.


As parents, early detection and intervention allow our children to learn skills before our old behaviors become a habit.


Bierman provides our clients with the unique opportunity to connect diagnosis and treatment, creating a comprehensive care plan that coordinates your child’s needs across a complex healthcare system. Our diagnosticians are accepting appointments, and our BCBAs, Speech Language therapists and Occupational therapists are ready to develop a therapy plan that is as unique as your child.

3. Not all people with autism are the same.

“You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you.” – Henry David Thoreau.


Autism is like a snowflake – you’ll never see an identical snowflake, and no two people diagnosed with autism have the same experience. Each child diagnosed with autism is beautifully unique.


Our success is as unique as our kids. At Bierman, our one-on-one approach allows us to drive progress and measurable outcomes while each child advances on their own terms.


We understand that children are always right – and if they are not learning, we adapt to them and seek to create lifelong learners and long-term success.

4. Families dealing with autism need help and support.

Be Inclusive – Being inclusive is an integral part of being an ally to minorities of all types. The same is true for autism. Extend an invitation.


Don’t Judge – Being a parent is hard enough. Be an encourager and supporter!


Understand Autism – Support families with children diagnosed with autism by learning about autism and understanding it. Learn how it’s different for everyone. Bierman offers free monthly Virtual Caregiver Training sessions for families new to ABA services, families currently receiving services, and anyone that wants to learn more!


Maintain Confidentiality – Parents may sometimes confide in those they feel are close friends. However, that does not permit someone to spread private information about a parent’s struggles with their child. Be a friend with a listening ear.


Find a Support Group – Support groups can be incredible for families who have a child diagnosed with autism. These groups are safe spaces to share stories and experiences and support from others with similar experiences.

5. There are many ways to get involved.

Advocate – Parents and children diagnosed with autism face significant stigma in everyday life. There is not always legislation to protect them or their rights. Others can be supportive by advocating for the rights of people diagnosed with autism in different ways. Check with your local representatives to see how you can help advocate.


Bierman STARS – Our Bierman STARS program provides 6-week group training to families who do not have access to care. Through expert-led presentations and discussion groups, we help introduce the basic concepts of ABA so these families can incorporate ABA skills into their home routines.


Give from the heart, give time, or lace up – Large or small, any contribution to an autism organization helps provide resources and interventions to individuals diagnosed with autism. Challenge your co-workers to make a difference. Many employers offer incentives for community involvement and double donations. 


Your contribution doesn’t have to be a monetary gift. You can give your time and volunteer at one of your local autism-focused recreational programs or community outreach events.


Participate in a local Autism walk or run. Many organizations host walk and run for autism awareness throughout the year that you can search for online. Lace up those shoes and get moving!


Here is a list of our favorite organizations in the seven states where we have centers. These organizations offer great information and support resources for families and friends and have fantastic events and fundraising opportunities. 




New Jersey

North Carolina


Rhode Island

We hope you learned 5 things about autism while reading this. We’re here to support our clients and families. Parents and caregivers interested in Bierman’s services can reach the intake team by calling 800-931-8113 or emailing

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