Bierman Autism Centers

What Is Precision Teaching?

The average child who attends Bierman Autism Centers is with us for roughly 2 years, and a large part of that is because we use precision teaching within ABA therapy to help us make better teaching decisions.

Precision Teaching


Precision Teaching allows our Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) and Board-Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) to determine how well they are doing at teaching skills.


You may now be asking us again – what is Precision Teaching? It is a decision-making and measurement system within ABA therapy based on the idea that providing a quick, easy, and uniform way to measure a child’s performance will teach the child to learn faster.


In clinical terms: Precision Teaching uses the Standard Celeration Chart, otherwise known as “the chart,” to review data every 3-5 days and make instructional changes based on the data. The chart allows the therapy team to look at every teaching opportunity that has been presented. This is instead of just looking at a percentage of all the correct behavior responses.  By doing this, the team can make informed decisions and give more individualized feedback.


For example: if a child only has one opportunity to practice a skill – they are rated out of 100%. But if the clinical team reviews the data, they can identify where the child needs more practice instead of saying that they mastered a skill (which they most likely didn’t by practicing it once).


Precision Teaching

Another way to look at the difference between measuring a percent versus a count of responses is a child eating their dinner. You could measure a child finishing one piece of broccoli on their plate versus eating 100% of their vegetables (one out of one piece on their plate).


When using Precision Teaching, the therapists will break down complex skills into smaller skills to ensure that each child has the foundational skills necessary to progress on their longer-term goals. Those foundational skills are then broken down into easy-to-learn steps, all individualized to meet the needs of each child.


The motto in the Precision Teaching field is that the learner is always right. At Bierman, we follow the child’s lead, and if they are not learning, it is our job to change how we teach and provide support to ensure they are making progress on their instructional goals.

Let’s dive into another example: Using precision teaching to help a child learn to request items they want.

The skill of requesting is broken down into smaller pieces, making sure the child can:


  • Repeat smaller sounds of words, such as “buh” for bubbles
  • Look around the environment for items
  • Point to preferred items

As the child learns each smaller skill, the RBT will provide positive reinforcement, such as access to the item they are requesting. This motivates them to continue learning. The RBT and BCBA are then responsible for data tracking and monitoring the progress – allowing them to identify any areas the child may be struggling. The RBT and BCBA will then provide targeted support and change the instructions or how they teach the kiddo if the data suggests it isn’t working.


Precision Teaching can be used with individuals of all abilities – ensuring everyone gets the individualized teaching they need to succeed.


  • Improving student learning
  • Enhancing teacher effectiveness
  • Increasing motivation
  • Individualizing instruction

Bierman’s comprehensive goal is to work together, so your child graduates from our center and becomes a lifelong learner with long-term success. With over 200 graduations, we are constantly searching for ways to provide the best possible intervention for each child by focusing on treatment that creates excellent outcomes.


We’re here to support our clients and families. Parents and caregivers interested in Bierman’s services can reach the intake team by calling 800-931-8113 or emailing

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